While I am not a psychologist, I have been struggling with anxiety ever since becoming a mum, 9,5 years ago. Also through my work as a women’s health coach I have worked with loads of women going through the same.

I want you to know: You are NOT alone.

So many mums face the same. It might look very different but still it’s all the same. Anxiety can have the face of rage, endless hunger, foggy brain, exhaustion, overwhelm by daily tasks/noises, lack of motivation, muscles tension, dizziness or a combination of those and others.

But I also want you to know, there are ways to help. Here are some tips on how I coped with my anxiety attacks over the years.

  1. Get professional help
  2. Set a sleeping schedule : bedtime routine, regular bed time and wake up time, no phones in bed room, try to get 7-8 hours a night
  3. Talk to friends
  4. Make sure to drink 2-3 Liters of water or unsweetened herbal tea daily
  5. Find out what your triggers are
  6. Plan regular self care e.g. getting a massage, getting a fascial, walking with a friend, exercising, sitting in peace and quiet for while, …
  7. Write a journal
  8. Meditate/ Pray daily
  9. Get your bloods checked by a natural doctor (Heilpraktiker) to see which vitamins and minerals you are lacking (don’t just take sublements without a blood check )
  10. Get outdoors

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Furthermore participating in fitness activities can be very helpful. But be aware that it’s important that the fitness you chose is not wearing you out completely. A class that’s leaving you exhausted, even on the next day is definitely too much.

Being very anxious often also has as a side effect that your breathing becomes more shallow and less efficient. This leads to less engagement in your core and issues like low back pain, hyperventilation during panic attacks and also pelvic floor problems can become more severe. Taking time out to do breathing exercises daily, can be very helpful. Use my breathing graphic below to practice your slow breathing.

Breathing in: focus on a deep inhale, that really fills your rib cage and relaxes your pelvic floor

Breathing out: try to go as slow as possible and make a long “shhhhh” sound. This helps getting the deeper core muscles activated.

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